Saturday 12 September 2009

make yourselves comfortable...

Sarah Nadin, Clare Reynolds and Paul Rogerson are about to embark on a new, exciting visual arts, dance and music project. The project, 're:mind', aims to gather the thoughts, feelings and memories of Stoke Town (not the CIty of Stoke On Trent) to then generate a one off performance/installation in the centre of Stoke Town.

This blog is for you to write what you feel about this special place, to share the good, the bad, your pride or sorrow.....
Below are some questions that may help you along the way........

> How do feel about Stoke town as a place to live/work?
> How would you describe Stoke town?
> What would you change?
> What are your memories of Stoke town? (specific places, people, events)

> What is your earliest memory?
> What is your most poignant memory? (What emotional response this brings? ‘Where’ is that emotion felt?)

Big Thanks!

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